Thursday, October 9, 2008

oh BABY!

So it's a really good thing that I got some preggo photos of my sister-in-law Susan when I did because that little girl is just about really to pop out! My brother tells me that Susan is having some minor contractions, and that baby #2 could come just about any time now! I was really looking forward to going with them and my niece to a fall fest this saturday, but hey... I think that canceling due to the probable birth of niece #2 is a pretty gooood reason!!!!!

So what I am saying is that fall fest pics will have to wait... but I could be posting new born photos any day now!!! I'm super stoked, you have no idea. yay!

ok... well coming up in the next week... Rachel and Dan's REAL engagement shoot, possibly some senior portraits of my sisters, and who only knows what else. I'm still sick, but life never ceases to speed up, so I might as well go with the flow. I just keep rubbing vicks all over myself and keep on keepin on. HA. I'm not kidding though, which is why that is hilarious.

ps- is vicks supposed to make your skin hot? Oh please God don't let me have an allergic reaction to one of the two things helping me to breathe!

pray for me.... I don't want to be sick any more!


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