Thursday, January 17, 2008

A Chilly Shoot

Today I hung out with one of my sisters-in-law, Elizabeth. She is my husband Nick's younger sister, and I love her to pieces. Actually, I have been incredibly blessed to have two sisters-in-law who are amazing and who I get along with so well and love so much. God is good!
But today, Elizabeth and I headed off into the cold-blue-yonder to do a rather cold and windy photo shoot. She was so funny... she showed up at our apartment with a suitcase full of fashion possibilities. So we stashed it all in my car and headed out to downtown West Chicago where there are some great urban-looking buildings that make for fantastic backdrops. We shot for well over an hour and Liz wasn't wearing a coat for most of it, so it was an adventure! A worth while adventure for sure. Elizabeth looked amazing, and I managed to snag some really great photos of her... not that it was hard to do with her cuteness!
We took well over a hundred, but here are just a few of my personal favorites. Enjoy!


Anonymous said...

I love these. Nice job!

Copper Siegel said...

Thanks Mom!