Ok, to preface what I am about to write, I do enjoy cooking but approach it with a certain amount of trepidation. Nick and I are almost never home for dinner at the same time, so I rarely feel like cooking an elaborate dinner for myself. It just isn't worth it to me. Too many dishes to clean later. lol
BUT tonight... oh tonight, Nick and I had the Beerys over for dinner. Todd is the pastor at IHOP Chicago, and Julieann is his lovely wife. Nick and I have a special relationship with them. During the internship when Nick and I met, their home was our second home. In fact, I basically lived there for half of each and every week of our internship because the drive was so long for me. And Nick did actually live there for a couple of weeks in between apartments. At any rate, we had them over for dinner, and I wanted to cook something special for them. After all, they have fed Nick and I a bajillion times.
So I cooked steaks! I have never cooked steaks! I was nervous. I wanted everything to be perfect.
I made cheesey scalloped potatoes, asparagus, and steak with a mushroom-red-wine sauce. My heart pitter-pattered within me as I sauteed, baked, and steamed my way through dinner preparation. The first bite would be the moment of truth.
drumroll please!*
It was PERFECT!!!!!!!
Yay!!! My first real fancy-ish dinner was a total success!
I just had to celebrate and say, if anyone really needs some dinner, let me know. I'll cook for you! lol.
Pretty soon I'll be giving Rachel Ray a run for her money!